Incept + Healthcare Industry
Over the last 16 years, Incept has helped over 40 blood centers reduce cost, increase collections and improve donor relationships. Last year alone, we conducted over 6.5 million conversations with blood donors and recruited more than 267,552 units, all on a fixed cost-per-donor payment structure. Meaning you only pay for a testable unit.
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A Few of Our Projects:
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center
Incept began calling on behalf of Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center in July 2005 after their experience using another industry vendor was met with less than favorable results. Calling began as lapsed donor support. Incept’s calling results on this project surpassed that of the vendor calling current donors, and all recruitment calling was awarded to Incept. We currently recruit all donor types, including current donors, lapsed donors, super lapsed donors, and new/cold calling when needed. Additionally, we schedule for whole blood, double red cell, all apheresis donors, and procedure conversion based on inventory needs.
“I would recommend Incept to EVERYONE I know in blood banking (and any other field too!). I deeply believe that the approach of having a conversation with donors (instead of telling them what to do) and how that positively impacts donors and their participation in the mission of saving lives. From a strictly customer side, I would recommend Incept because of Incept’s commitment to excellence, expertise, professionalism and integrity as a partner in helping us achieve our goals.”
American Red Cross
The first donor conversations began at Incept in 2006. At that point, the Region saw an extreme need to educate and convert donors to their most needed donation type. By drawing upon Incept’s conversational expertise, the American Red Cross Penn-Jersey Region has been successful in increasing their platelet donors and exceeding their stated collection goals.
“We’ve been very pleased with our association with Incept over the years. I have found Incept to be responsive and efficient in managing our conversion program.”
SunCoast Blood Bank
SunCoast Blood Bank is an independent community blood center headquartered in Sarasota Florida. Incept first began working with SunCoast Blood Bank in 2013 as an overflow center calling segments of their donorbase that their internal team was unable to penetrate.
As SunCoast’s staff turned over, they increased the work sent to Incept. We began only calling a segment of current whole blood donors as well as a small portion of lapsed and super lapsed donors for platelet conversion. In Fall 2014, we ultimately added platelet calling, and throughout 2014 and 2015, we grew responsible for additional current donor recruitment.
SunCoast partners with Incept to explore new and innovative recruitment techniques to enhance the donor experience and help us continuously drive down costs
“Over the past year Incept has helped grow our donor base and reduce donor attrition, increase our daily fixed site collections, and collaboration on initiatives to calculate our internal costs versus benefits of additional consultative services. We calculate a substantial ROI this year and are looking forward to expanding our partnership with Incept in the future. Billie Johnson and Jenna Patterson provide our organization with exceptional customer service. Not only have they supported the mission of our organization in the work performed on our behalf as a contact center, but support our mission as an industry by finding ways to drive down cost, increase performance, and integrate Incept into the fabric of our blood center and our community.
Carter BloodCare
Incept began calling on behalf of Carter BloodCare in February 2012. Initially, we called lapsed and super lapsed donors as Carter BloodCare had an extensive internal center. This engagement led to Incept assisting their internal center through consulting. After a 12 week engagement it became evident that more assistance was needed. We’ve continued to provide leadership and guidance while assuming a larger portion of calling, including current donor calling, to ensure that they meet their goals while building their center.
“Incept helped us with a program to reach out to ‘super-lapsed’ donors—those who have not given blood for more than 48 months. Carter BloodCare lacked enough resources to continue calling our active blood donors to maintain our community need while attempting to re-engage those super-lapsed individuals. Incept’s staff is specifically trained for this purpose, and they were able to begin almost immediately. This program has been incredibly successful, and a short-term project has turned into a true long-term partnership with Incept. ”